The Flag State Inspection Program was created with the goal of assisting ship owners and operators with an annual compliance inspection. This program was designed to ensure that safe and secure operation of vessels are maintained and managed to reduce the number of deficiencies and detentions received during Port State Control inspections as best as we possibly can. The program incorporates multiple inspection types that are necessary to prevent, identify, and rectify any issues related to safety, security and environmental protection.
The program is not intended to replace surveys for the issuance of class and statutory certificates. Such activities will continue to be performed by duly recognized organizations. Each inspection has a different purpose, but the final goal is to assist the ship owner/operator in complying with the application of international standards prescribed by a host of treaties and conventions such as Safety of Life at Sea (SOLAS), the Marine Pollution Convention (MARPOL), The International Convention on Standards of Training and Certification for Watchkeepers and Seafarers (STCW) and The Maritime Labour Convention (MLC) as well as national regulations and requirements prescribed by the Administration. The main goals of the program are to assist owners and operators to conduct their vessels safely, efficiently and cost-effectively.
As a continued effort to reach our goal of zero deficiencies and detentions, Dominica has also developed the Detention Prevention Program. This program entails daily monitoring of our vessels’ performance and identifying vessels that are having difficulty complying with mandatory instruments. These vessels are placed in the Detention Prevention Program and additional support is provided to the owner and operator.
For more information, please contact us.